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    About Us

    About Us

    Last updated on 17th February' 2019 at 06:30 pm
    Hello Friends, Welcome to PeriXpert  blog your destination to Learn, Knowledge & Grow. Blog About Motivational, Photography & Specification of Latest IT Product

    About the blog

    PeriXpert is my dream blog, here on my blog I share Motivation, Photography and  Description which include of IT Peripherals, Accessories, Smart Gadget, Audio / Video Products and also Online Offers. I started this blog on 7th February' 2019 to share my knowledge of Technology.
    I love Customer Support by my heart, I am very inspired by top Product Manager & Product experts of the world.
    This inspiration in me is because I also want to help people to grow their Product Knowledge and solve their problems related to Latest Products.

    About me

    My name is Amin. A professional Electronics Engineer, Blogger. After completion of my studies in Electronics Engineering, I started working as a SSE Engineer.
    One question I always asks myself every day when I go to the office – “How people of corporate can gather product knowledge daily basis without learning?” How they can do like that.
    I was very ambitious about my work, I always wanted to develop a company which helps people somehow in their daily day-to-day life in solving their problems.

    What are Amin’s Areas Of Interest?

    I love Blogging, Build relationship with Customer, Social Networking & Eating Biriyani.

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